I’m on the move again

I went for a walk (see the red track below) on Wednesday evening in a picturesque city set on an island in a river. I’ll provide a signed photo to the first person who can state where I am and why I am visiting this region. Good luck!

world heritage site

Hint: The city is designated as a World Heritage Site. At the end of my walk (red marker), I stopped at a restaurant in an historic neighbourhood and had a dinner of duck and sauerkraut, a traditional meal in this region.

2 thoughts on “I’m on the move again

  1. Are you in Strasbourg, France after giving a presentation at the International Space University for the masters of space studies program?

    • Nice job, Calvin. Yes, I am visiting the central campus of International Space University in Strasbourg this week. I gave a lecture to and led a workshop with the students in the Master of Space Studies program. I also participated in a panel with my astronaut colleagues Jean-Jacques Favier and Reinhold Ewald. This year the ISU Masters program includes 44 students from 21 different countries. What a wonderful international, intercultural and interdisciplinary experience!

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