Planetary Defence, Healthcare & the Future of Humanity

I recently participated in an enjoyable interview with Senior Editor Ivan Duran of the Harvard Health Policy Review . Ivan’s questions were wide-ranging. Besides asking me about my experiences in space, he also asked my thoughts on the delivery of remote healthcare, benefits to Earth from investments in space, and planetary protection.

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International Space University’s Space Studies Program: a path to a career in space

Congratulations to Maliyat and TJ for determining that I was in Cork, Ireland earlier this month to participate in International Space University (ISU)’s Space Studies Program (SSP). I’ll put signed photos in the mail for both of you. My visit to Cork was brief but I did have the opportunity to deliver a lecture, adjudicate […]

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Why does depth perception change during spaceflight? I’ve got answers!

In my April 13 blog entry I wrote about an experiment known as Reversible Figures that was performed by astronauts aboard the International Space Station. I also asked your thoughts on how depth perception might change during spaceflight. The results of this experiment have recently been published so I am now at liberty to provide the […]

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