International Space University’s Space Studies Program: a path to a career in space

Congratulations to Maliyat and TJ for determining that I was in Cork, Ireland earlier this month to participate in International Space University (ISU)’s Space Studies Program (SSP). I’ll put signed photos in the mail for both of you. My visit to Cork was brief but I did have the opportunity to deliver a lecture, adjudicate […]

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A week in Australia with SH-SSP students

I am in Adelaide, Australia this week participating in International Space University’s  ‘Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program’ (quite a mouthful!). SH-SSP is a fast-paced, five-week academic experience for senior undergraduates, grad students and young professionals from southern hemisphere nations. The Program curriculum covers the multidisciplinary aspects of space exploration and development. This year’s participants include […]

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A well-crafted message moves hearts and minds

I was in Athens, Ohio last week participating in International Space University (ISU). Ohio University is hosting ISU’s Space Studies Program for nine weeks this summer. 101 young professionals from 35 different countries are in attendance and learning about space across theme areas that include sciences; engineering; applications; policy, economics and law; management and business; human […]

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