Gord Aker has been a stalwart University of Calgary volunteer. For six years he held a variety of leadership positions within Senate, and mentored several students and new senators. Most significantly, he helped craft a new strategic plan for Senate that will guide our actions until 2019. Gord is retiring as a senator and participated […]
Remarkable senator was also a touchstone of persistence and diplomacy to her family
Today I am wrapping up another satisfying week of chancellor activity at the University of Calgary. I so much enjoy the role. Each day on campus puts me in touch with stalwart citizens, inspiring students and cutting-edge researchers. For example, this week I telecon’d with the chancellors from Alberta’s two other major universities to discuss […]
Dr. Janice Heard: Take the fork in the road whenever possible
On Thursday morning we held the convocation ceremony for the fall 2016 University of Calgary graduates in Medicine, Environmental Design, Business, Kinesiology, Nursing, Engineering and Science. During this ceremony, we also conferred the Order of the University of Calgary on Dr. Janice Heard. The Order honours individuals who have provided significant and distinguished service to […]
Guest blogger Tim Meagher shares his thoughts on the Undergraduate Research Symposium
There is a paragraph in the University of Calgary’s ‘Eyes High’ strategic plan that talks about enriching the quality and breadth of learning: “At the University of Calgary, learning takes place in a research environment. Students will learn research skills through their courses, assignments, fieldwork and as members of research teams. As a result, they […]
University of Calgary faculty and students will change our world
I met today with the Senate Executive Co-chairs Ian Minnifee and Phil Tuck to debrief our last Senate and Executive meetings. The debriefing of past meetings is something that we routinely do. However, today’s debrief was not routine – it was my last meeting with Ian and Phil. Both of these stalwart individuals have reached […]
Time is right for Senate to develop a new strategic plan
As Chancellor, I observe that the Senate of the University of Calgary is doing many things right. Several of our current projects (e.g. Lecture of a Lifetime, Senate Service Award) are successful and well aligned with our mission. However, the time is right for Senate to develop a new strategic plan; to re-align and improve […]
Moving the yardsticks in energy research
I chair a University of Calgary body known as the Senate.The Senate is composed of 62 respected Calgary citizens as well as university students, faculty and staff. It acts as a communication link between the Calgary community and the university. Through its many activities, the Senate works to enhance the profile and reputation of our […]